Results for 'Abraham ben Meir de Aristotle'

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  1. Sefer Toldot Yaʻaḳov Yosef: ṿe-hu perush ha-Rambam ʻal Pirḳe Avot, u-Shemonah peraḳim leha-Rambam ṿe-hem haḳdamah le-ferusho ; ʻim haḳdamat Rabi Shemuʼel Ibn Tibon ; u-ferush Ḥesed Avraham leha-rav R. Avraham Horṿits zal = Commentaire du Perek de Maïmonide, avec les 8 Chapitres (Traite philosophique) avec la préface de R. Samuel Ben Thibbone.Shmuel Ibn Tibbon, Yosef ben Daṿid Genasiyah, Moses Maimonides & Abraham ben Shabbetai Sheftel Horowitz (eds.) - 1953 - G'erbah: Bi-defus Ḥai Ḥadad.
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    Aristotle on God's life-generating power and on pneuma as its vehicle.Abraham P. Bos - 2018 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
    Proposes an innovative rethinking of Aristotle’s work as a system that integrates his theology with his doctrine of reproduction and life. In this deep rethinking of Aristotle’s work, Abraham P. Bos argues that scholarship on Aristotle’s philosophy has erred since antiquity in denying the connection between his theology and his doctrine of reproduction and life in the earthly sphere. Beginning with an analysis of God’s role in the Aristotelian system, Bos explores how this relates to other (...)
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  3. Perushim filosofiyim shel Rabi Yedaʻyah ha-Penini ʻal midreshe rabah Tanḥuma sifri u-firḳe de-Rabi Eliʻezer.Jedaiah ben Abraham Bedersi - 2013 - Yerushalayim: Otsrot ha-Magreb u-Mekhon Bene Yiśakhar. Edited by Mosheh Ṭoledano.
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  4. Teshuvot ha-Rashba.Solomon ben Abraham Adret, Abba Mari ben Moses ben Joseph Astruc & Haim Z. Dimitrovsky - 2011 - Yerushalayim: Makhon le-hotsaʼat rishonim ṿe-aḥaronim. Edited by Haim Z. Dimitrovsky.
    Ḥeleḳ Rishon, kerekh 1. Teshuvot ha-shayakhot le-Miḳra Midrash ṿe-deʻot ṿe-tsoraf la-hen Sefer Minḥat ḳenaʼot le-R. Aba Mari de-Lunil [Haḳdamah-pereḳ 37] -- Ḥeleḳ Rishon, kerekh 2. Miḳra Midrash ṿe-deʻot Teshuvot ha-shayakhot le-Miḳra Midrash ṿe-deʻot ṿe-tsoraf la-hen Sefer Minḥat ḳenaʼot le-R. Aba Mari de-Lunil [pereḳ 38-pereḳ 127] -- Ḥeleḳ sheni. Teshuvot ha-shayakhot le-Masekhet Berakhot ṿe-Seder Zeraʻim -- Ḥeleḳ shelishi. Teshuvot ha-shayakhot le-Masekhet Shabat ṿe-ʻEruvin.
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    (1 other version)Aristotle’s Psychology.Abraham P. Bos - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3:48-54.
    The psychology of Aristotle has never been understood in a historically correct way. A new interpretation of the De anima will be proposed in which this work can be seen as compatible with the psychology that can be reconstructed from the fragments of Aristotle's lost dialogues and the De motu animalium and other biological works and the doxographical data gathered from ancient writers besides the commentators. In De anima, II, 412b5, where psychè is defined as 'the first entelecheia (...)
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  6. Haider, Hilde, 495 Hobson, J. Allan, 429 Huntjens, Rafaële JC, 377 Huron, Caroline, 535.Frederick Aardema, Henk Aarts, Anna Abraham, Richard L. Abrams, Richard J. Addante, Karzan Jalal Ali, William P. Banks, Cristina Becchio, D. Ben Shalom & Cesare Bertone - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14:788-789.
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  7. (1 other version)Aristotle's Theory of the Infinite.Abraham Edel - 1935 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 42 (4):16-16.
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    Pneuma as Quintessence of Aristotle’s Philosophy.Abraham P. Bos - 2013 - Hermes 141 (4):417-434.
    In this article I argue that the heart of Aristotle’s philosophy was his doctrine of pneuma, which connected his psychology, biology, cosmology and theology, and which was central to his (lost and extant) works and should be taken into account, even where it is less explicitly discussed. Pneuma is not a sixth elementary physical body. It is the manifestation of the divine ether but always mixed with the other four elements within the sublunary sphere.
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    Pneuma as Instrumental Body of the Soul in Aristotle’s De Anima I 4 on Afflictions of Old Age.Abraham P. Bos - 2013 - Philotheos 13:113-127.
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    The tongue is not the soul’s instrument for tasting in Aristotle, On the soul II 10.Abraham P. Bos - 2012 - Hermes 140 (3):375-385.
  11. Aristotle on the Difference Between Plants, Animals, and Human Beings and on the Elements as Instruments of the Soul (De Anima 2.4.415b18). [REVIEW]Abraham P. Bos - 2010 - Review of Metaphysics 63 (4):821-841.
    Why do all animals possess sense perception while plants don’t? And should the difference in quality of life between human beings and wolves be explained by supposing that wolves have degenerated souls? This paper argues that for Aristotle differences in quality of life among living beings are based on differences in the quality of their soul-principle together with the body that receives the soul. The paper proposes a new interpretation of On the Soul 2.4.415b18: “For all the natural bodies (...)
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    A Lost Sentence on Seed as Instrument of the Soul in Aristotle, on the Soul II 4, 415B7.Abraham P. Bos - 2010 - Hermes 138 (3):276-287.
  13. Philipp Melanchthon: Oratio de Aristotele/On Aristotle.Asaph Ben-Tov - 2017 - In Patrick Baker, Biography, historiography, and modes of philosophizing: the tradition of collective biography in early modern Europe. Boston: Brill.
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  14. De ziel en haar voertuig. Aristoteles' psychologie geherinterpreteerd en de eenheid van zijn oeuvre gedemonstreerd.Abraham P. Bos - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (4):755-755.
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    El Hay ben Meqis de Abraham Ib'Erza.Carlos del Valle Rodríguez - 1977 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 4:99-126.
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    Lata'if, parénesis y profetas: una revisión del manuscrito de la Junta Kitab lata'if al-Anbiy' wafhi Qisas al-Anbiya'.Shosh Ben-Ari - 2008 - Al-Qantara 29 (1):165-195.
    Trabajando sobre el género de ¿Historias de los Profetas¿ ( al-Anbiya-¿) en el proceso de elaboración de mi tesis sobre Abraham en la literatura islámica, el profesor J. Sadan me envió un manuscrito que había localizado en la British Library relacionado con este género. Posteriormente encontré versiones similares de la misma composición, lo que me animó a profundizar mi investigación sobre sus orígenes. La obra está próxima a la literatura de predicación (wa¿z.), que se ocupa principalmente de la educación (...)
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    Aristotle on God's Life-Generating Power and on Pneuma as Its Vehicle by Abraham P. Bos.Ignacio De Ribera-Martin - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (1):143-144.
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    Abraham Ibn Daud's 'The Exalted Faith'.Abraham ben David Ibn Daud & Norbert Max Samuelson - 1985
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    The high ways to perfection of Abraham Maimonides.Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon - 1927 - New York,: Columbia university press. Edited by Samuel Rosenblatt.
  20. Matan śekharan shel mitsṿot.Joseph ben Meir Teomim - 1964 - Yerushalayim,:
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  21. Shemoneh ḥaḳirot: matan śekharan shel mitsṿot.Joseph ben Meir Teomim - 2013 - Modiʻin ʻIlit: Yosef Avraham Ṿolf. Edited by Mosheh ben Meʼir Yeshaʻy Ṿarshner & Yosef Avraham Ṿolf.
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  22. Sefer Ḥokhmah u-musar: maʼamarim niflaʼim be-musar.Abraham ben Isaac Antibi - 1849 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon ha-ketav. Edited by Ezra Basri.
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  23. Sefer Zikhru torat Mosheh.Abraham ben Jehiel Michal Danzig - 1967 - Edited by Yo Ṭ. Neṭil ben Tsevi Dov Branshpigel, Eleazar ben Moses Azikri, Asher ben Jehiel & Moses Maimonides.
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  24. Emunah ramah: perakim mi-tokh "Emunah ramah".Abraham ben David Ibn Daud & Yehudah Aizenberg - 1986 - Yerushalayim: Haśkel. Edited by Yehudah Aizenberg.
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  25. ha-Maspik le-ʻovde Adonai.Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon - 1965 - Edited by Durī, Joseph & [From Old Catalog].
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  26. ha-Maspiḳ le-ʻovde ha-Shem =.Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon - 2007 - Yerushalayim: Feldhaim. Edited by Yosef Tsalaḥ Avraham Dori, Shemuʼel Miler & Yaakov Wincelberg.
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  27. Kifāyat al-ʻābidīn.Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon - 1972 - Edited by Joseph[From Old Catalog] Duri.
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  28. Maʼamar ʻal ha-derashot ṿe-ʻal ha-agadot: [pereḳ mi-tokh Sefer ha-Maspiḳ le-ʻovde ha-Shem].Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon - 2019 - Monsi, Nyu Yorḳ: ha-Makhon le-ḥeḳ Torat ha-ḳadmonim. Edited by Mosheh ben A. Maimon.
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  29. The high ways to perfection.Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon - 1927 - New York,: Columbia University Press. Edited by Samuel Rosenblatt.
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  30. Shene sefarim niftaḥim.Abraham ben David Abraham bar Hiyya Savasorda & Ibn Daud (eds.) - 2001 - [Israel?: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  31. Sefer Neveh Shalom.Abraham ben Isaac ben Judah ben Samuel Shalom - 1969 - [Farnborough, Hants.,: Gregg.
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    Aristotle on the Etruscan Robbers: A Core Text of "Aristotelian Dualism".A. P. Bos - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (3):289-306.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aristotle on the Etruscan Robbers:A Core Text of "Aristotelian Dualism"Abraham P. Bos (bio)1. A Non-Platonic Dualism in Aristotle's Lost WorksThe Soul of a Mortal on Earth is not "At Home," says Aristotle in his dialogue Eudemus. The story about the mantic dream of the expatriate Eudemus and his expectation that he "will return home"1 is well known. It makes clear that, in Aristotle's view, (...)
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  33.  42
    Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes. Hrsg. von Haim Hillel Ben-Sasson. I. Von den Anfängen bis zum 7. Jahrhundert. Von Abraham Malamat, Hayim Tadmor, Menahem Stern, Shmuel Safrai, Verlag C.H. Beck München 1978, IX, 515 pp. [REVIEW]Heinz-Jürgen Loth - 1979 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 31 (3):283-284.
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    Three Approaches to Biblical Metaphor: From Abraham Ibn Ezra and Maimonides to David Kimhi.Mordechai Z. Cohen - 2003 - BRILL.
    This work analyzes the treatment of biblical metaphor in a Jewish exegetical tradition originating in Muslim Spain that was transplanted to Christian Provence, yielding a variety of approaches that integrate Arabic poetics, hermeneutics and logic with indigenous Hebrew modes of reading.
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  35. Emunah ramah: perakim mi-tokh "Emunah ramah".Ibn Daud & Abraham ben David - 1986 - Yerushalayim: Haśkel. Edited by Yehudah Aizenberg.
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  36. (1 other version)ha-Emunah ha-ramah.Ibn Daud & Abraham ben David - 1919 - Berlin,: L. Lamm. Edited by Solomon Ibn Labi, Weil, Simson & [From Old Catalog].
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    Sefer ha-Emunah ha-ramah =.Ibn Daud & Abraham ben David - 2019 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Ben-Tsevi le-ḥeḳer ḳehilot Yiśraʼel ba-Mizraḥ. Edited by ʻAmirah ʻEran.
    The Exalted Fath: Ha-Emunah ha-Ramah Transleted by Solomon Ibn Lavi, Ha-Emunah ha-Nissaʼah Transleted by Samuel Ibn Matut, The Anonymous Commentary to HaEmunah ha-Ramah.
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  38. Sefer ha-ʻatsamim.Ibn Ezra & Abraham ben Meïr - 1901 - [London,: Edited by Isaac Abravanel.
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  39. Yesod mora ṿe-sod Torah.Ibn Ezra & Abraham ben Meïr - 2007 - Ramat-Gan: Universiṭat Bar-Ilan. Edited by Yosef Kohen & Uriel Simon.
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    Yesod mora ve-sod Torah =.Ibn Ezra & Abraham ben Meïr - 2018 - Ramat-Gan: Hotsaʼat Universiṭat Bar-Ilan. Edited by Yosef Kohen & Uriel Simon.
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  41. Yesod mora ṿe-sod Torah: mugeh ʻa. p. ket. y. u-defusim rishonim be-tosefet kotarot, meḳorot ṿe-heʻarot ʻim 'muvaʼot' mi-sefaraṿ ha-aḥerim.Ibn Ezra & Abraham ben Meïr - 2020 - Yerushalayim: Mosad ha-Rav Ḳuḳ. Edited by Yosef Mordekhai Horvitz & Shemuʼel Barukh Lifshits.
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    Probability in Physics.Yemima Ben-Menahem & Meir Hemmo (eds.) - 2012 - Springer.
    Emch, G.G., Liu, C.: The Logic of Thermostatistical Physics. Springer, Berlin/ Heidelberg (2002) 11. Frigg, R., Werndl, C.: Entropy – a guide for the perplexed. Forthcoming in: Beisbart, C., Hartmann, S. (eds.) Probabilities in Physics. Oxford  ...
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  43. Yesode ḥokhmat ha-higayon.Meir Loeb ben Jehiel Michael Malbim - 1900 - Warsaw: Bi-defus M.Y. Halṭer.
  44.  12
    Levinas Faces Biblical Figures.Ephraim Meir, Edna Langenthal, Gary D. Mole, Elisabeth Goldwyn, Catherine Chalier, Eli Schonfeld, Michal Ben-Naftali, Richard A. Cohen, Hanoch Ben-Pazi & Tamar Abramov (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Levinas Faces Biblical Figures captures the drama of the encounter between a great philosopher and a text of primary importance. The book considers the ways in which Levinas's thoughts can open up the biblical text to requestioning, and how the biblical text can inform our reading of Levinas.
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  45. Sefer Or ha-yashar: zeh ha-shaʻar le-H.... u-vo nikhlal Sefer "Or tsadiḳim"..Meir ben Judah Loeb Poppers - 1981 - Yerushalayim: Ḥ.Y. Ṿaldman. Edited by Ḥayim Yosef Ṿaldman, Tsevi Hirsh ben Ḥayim Ḥazan & Meir ben Judah Loeb Poppers.
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    Astronomy and Astrology in the Works of Abraham ibn Ezra.Bernard R. Goldstein - 1996 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 6 (1):9-21.
    Abraham ibn Ezra d'Espagne (m. 1167) fut l'un des plus importants savants ayant contribué à la transmission de la science arabe à l'Occident. Ses ouvrages en astrologie et en astronomie, rédigés en hébreu puis traduits en latin, étaient considéréd comme faisant autorité par de nombreux savants juifs et Chrétiens. Parmi les ouvrages qu'il a traduits de l'arabe en hébreu, certains sont perdus dans leur langue originale et ses propres ouvrages renferment certaines informations concernant des sources anciennes mal ou pas (...)
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  47. Die metaphysik des Aristotles.Albert Aristotle & Schwegler - 1960 - Frankfurt am Main: Minerva. Edited by Albert Schweigler.
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    Ein formales Modell der Syllogistik des Aristotles.Kurt Ebbinghaus & Aristotle - 1964 - Vandenhoeck & Reprecht.
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    Aristotle De sensu and De memoria.Aristotle - 1906 - Cambridge: The University Press. Edited by G. R. T. Ross & Aristotle.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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    La Poetique d'Aristotle: texte primitie et additions ulterieures.Daniel de Montmillon & Aristotle - 1951 - Messeiller.
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